Thursday, October 28, 2010

30 days: hope to do

5/30 - something you hope to do in your life

It's been on my wish list for a long time, now. I don't know when, or how, but it is a clear and present longing, and I hope it gets fulfilled in the next 5 years:

I would like to live on the beach for two years while the boys are young.

I want a door that opens to the beach, to experience beach-front weather, to watch the tide rise and fall, and hear the waves from my bed. I want to frequent tide pools and make friends with seagulls, to find beach sand in the boys beds and rinse it from their hair. I want to make our own curriculum, follow the rhythm of the days, and I want to write a book about it.


Day 01 → Something you hate about yourself.
Day 02 → Something you love about yourself.
Day 03 → Something you have to forgive yourself for.
Day 04 → Something you have to forgive someone for.


  1. What a lovely idea...Michigan has lots of beaches. :)

  2. Wow, that sounds awesome! Except for the tides, that's what I used to experience in Michigan on vacation when I was a kid. We would visit an inland lake "up north" and relax and play for a week! Lovely!

    So funny the juxtaposition between this post and my last post entitled, "Watching TV!" Clearly, you are a more poetic, creative and dreaming soul than I am. :-)

  3. I so want this for you! and I want it WITH you!
