Tuesday, September 21, 2010

the one where she laughs at herself

Remember yesterday? When I posted that I wanted to take the kid's clothes week challenge?



That didn't work out so well. I pretty much sleep-walked through the day, keeping up with the boys, who were also over tired from being up last night. It was also my second night in a row of getting less than 4 hours of sleep. So, the sewing machine didn't make it out today.

However, I will say that I have a plan, and I will also say that maybe I can just celebrate Day 1 with the gift of handmade clothes for my children - because they have brand new pajamas made by their great-grandma.

shoghi-wan kenobi

I think that counts, right?


  1. shogi-wan kenobi!!??

    We are big time Star Wars fans here so I gotta know...are your boys Jedi Knights already??

    p.s. I have always wanted to make my own handmade clothes but never have. I did go to a thrift store yesterday though and found a cute hand knitted sweater! It counts even when others get it done!!

  2. yes, this counts. realizing our boundaries counts and accepting the gifts and love from others counts!
    love that shoghi-wan!
