Monday, July 14, 2008

change in plans

28 weeks and 5 days today, and let me tell you, the days themselves have never seemed so important to me. I'm going to make this post a quick one, since I've been trying to put one up for days and keep getting interrupted.

I woke up from my slumber last Thurdsay night/ Friday (28w) morning to discover that I was leaking fluids. Made my way to the hospital with Korin, and upon arriving, experienced the horrifying sensation of my bag of waters breaking, at just 28 weeks.

By the grace of God, I'm still in the hospital, carrying my two boys in the safety of the womb. Every day is a gift to them, and I am hoping to be here in the hospital until the ripe gestational age of 34 weeks (or longer). They're looking good on the daily non-stress tests, visibly practicing fetal breathing, putting on weight, and moving like crazy. Throughout this whole time, the goal will be to stave off infection so that they can stay where they are.

I'm feeling optimistic overall, and while staying in the hospital is a drag, I can honestly say that I am willing to endure any discomfort in order to get the boys to a safer age to be born. I'll try to post as often as I can, to share the positive updates and document what this process is like here in the hospital with ruptured membranes.

So, with that, I'm going to rest. See you tomorrow!


  1. You are one amazing mama.
    Lots of cozy vibes for the boys & comfort and rest for you. Wish I could bring you some tea! Love you! xoxox

  2. My love and prayers are with you and the boys. Lots more cozy vibes from Florida....


  3. Whew. I've been wondering about you and your boys. Thanks for the update.

    You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

