Sunday, August 9, 2009


So far, travel has not benefited the blogging! Sorry we went MIA as soon as we stepped on the plane... it seems that my time at the computer since arriving in MA has been curtailed. At home, the computer is out and about while I watch the boys, but here, it's in a room the boys are not allowed in. Anyway, that's just to explain why so much time has one by, and why I'm going to keep this short.

Yesterday, my babies turned ONE! I'm still in shock over it - their toddler-ness is so evident, and they are no longer my tiny, sleepy, fragile preemies they were a year ago. They are the greatest gift I have received in my life, and surely their presence will be a guiding force for the rest of my days.

I have a post brewing, but not sure when I'm going to be able to write and post it. I've also got some photos - hopefully they'll go up a little sooner.

Loving greetings to all of you, my faithful friends! I miss sharing our adventures and reading yours, and can't wait to get caught up soon!


  1. You are back! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOYS!!!! What a wonderful day it was when you entered our realm! :)

  2. Nice to hear from you! Happy Birthday Shoghi and Maxwell!! I hope you're all having a great visit.

  3. congratulations on the first year .))

    it gets busier and busier doesn't it!!

  4. Wow, happy birthday to the boys!
