Monday, July 12, 2010

playground happiness

I can't help it - there were just too many good pictures from yesterday's two playground excursions to share only one. I can't get over how big my boys are getting, and then again, there are moments when I look at their miniature bodies and awe at their small fragility. This age of discovery is so miraculous (and exhausting)! We went morning and evening to Mashpee Heritage Park yesterday, and enjoyed ourselves thoroughly on the Tiger Long Memorial Playground, named for a boy I grew up with and who was killed serving (I believe) in Iraq in the 90s.

max "kwimin' teps"

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  1. Great post, great pix! wish we were there!

  2. Adorable! I know exactly how you feel... they're getting so big and so smart and so capable. But at the same time, they're so tiny and naive and helpless. It's a wondrous time... :-) I really enjoy my role balancing between these two poles helping them along in their development but keeping them safe, secure and loved.
