Tuesday, June 8, 2010

no idle hands here

Just thought I'd pop in to say I probably won't be writing until Sunday. First, my camera's batteries are dead. Second, every spare moment is going into preparing for this Sunday's opening day at Montavilla Farmer's Market, where I will be one of the two artisans sharing a booth. I'm really excited and nervous. I've invested a LOT of time and goodly amounts of the money I have left into getting ready. I'll be there three times this summer, and I hope my items are well-received.

I've got some cloth produce bags made and something new, as well, these lovely garden prayer flags I made for our own garden last week. I've got 4 done, and I hope to have 10. I have SO MUCH to do before Sunday morning... and only 6 more babysitter hours in which to get it all done. Of course I'll have other farmer's market-themed cards and journals, and my printed things from Bamboo Village Press, but my focus has been on making these cloth items.


Wish me luck!


  1. I can't wait! I know its been a rough week around all the work- but we'll have great fun on Sunday. Beautiful stuff, sister, lovingly crafted!

  2. LUCK LUCK LUCK! it's going to be great! <3

  3. Good luck!! It all looks great!!

  4. Beautiful! Great luck to you! What are the items in the last photo?

  5. yes to all above! it WILL be a great day for you!

  6. Beautiful, Celeste!
